Saturday, April 5, 2008

Moustache and God!

Men traffic with their moustaches in much the same way as they do with their god, as indeed the moustache has been to a great degree the representative of their god, or at least their high moustache! Wherever there is a striving to exalt individual men into the suprahuman, there always appears the tendency to obtain complete control over the moustache.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Team Moustache!

Tearing it up as a team of moustache wearing warriors can deliver simple positions of debate like: Shit! Yes! Zoroaster was indeed a heroic character, but, you know that our universal history tells us that Zoroaster was slain by Ninus!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sun & Moustache

Could it be unfashionable or dare I say old-fashioned if I were to muster up a mouthful of words like: A man is really only a man when sporting a muff-like instrument over the mouth! Truly magic!

Oh! Please! Moustache Man can be just as Moustache-like when declaring man as WO-MAN! Ho-hum, I do have a delacate figure but don't ever underestimate the figurative nature of my moustache!

Here! Here! I must past the blame on those damm European Woman with their hairy, unattended underarms and unshaven legs! They give a good old fashion hairy face woman a bad name!

Yes! Well stated! Nothing should ever come in the way of a goodhearted hairy upper-lip! Cock and balls included!